That Notification..

Strange that sometimes, destiny can turn you to. Stranger that destiny can turn you back where you left from. A small memory, reserved in the corners of the heart, still sings; the corner, yearning from ignorance.

The notification pops. Reminding a zillion blinks and clicking a smile, unaware to the conscious. A bliss, totally forgotten in the burials of pain, agony and anger, blooms out to make it's presence felt. That blaze of energy suddenly standing in the verge to get that feeling back.

Wow. Truly. A love, re-blossoms. To a stage of pure happiness that comprises remarkable joy. Of care, of passion, of the face, of that touch. Just when the world begins to move, a silent whisper fades in. To awake that kindle, the zest, a heartfelt desire, only to end it up in a mess.

She left, only to realize how futile her love was. It was the perfect love she wished. That perfect love, which happens once in a life span. A shine, so fertile to ignore. An understanding, mature. An emotion, unsharable. A chime, unheard of. His was a love, passionate, but a possessive one. Clinging, but a choking one. Fearless, but a forceful one. Only to leave her with his unknown state of decision.

And then, that notification when she's gone forever, comes..

