In the Midst of Twilight..

Twilight.. Written by Stephanie Meyer. A novel about a silly, beautiful-as-in-a-novel type of a girl who falls in love with a vampire ! Now, that was quite very funny as it sounds ridiculous, even in imagination .. Gosh! Mind has really, no boundaries !

The book quietly paces in the first half about the "Ohh, I saw him and his was the most lovely eyes" , "then, we met and his speech was so sweet as honey" and that and that that... Eww... and then suddenly speeds up when other vampires smell this girl as a snack ! But what annoyed me was the climax.. an ordinary one, just as shown in those yawn type-of-movies, where a boy dances with the protagonist and lights go off ! It should have been more catchy.. Guess, i ain't those critic typos but can sure of such things to stay away from ! Looks like a Mills and Boons kinds re-written.. :)

