Creativity's chimera

One thing that strikes is the way the mind thinks. A feeling unquantifiable, relentless and serene. The right brain works in a way difficult to comprehend and this is what makes the world beautiful and demented at the same time - former for the artistic phenomenon and the latter for the infinite loop it creates through people's connectivity.

To share a personal experience, some close pals wanted to start a coffee outlet. The objective being the usual - different from other models and of a brand value building. So, work began for the fundamentals - land for the shop, bamboo furniture to lay in, talks with coffee bean dealers and the menu listing. But, in the process of brand building, they forgot the basic rule.

Of naming the outlet! At a casual meeting over a birthday treat of Samosas and chai, we debated. Many names came into being - most of them being the regular, off-beat ones which linked to only coffee and the beans. Some suggested after looking out to other outlets as their names deal with the size of the cup! A regular, boring list came up and then the discussion was about to confine. But then, at the right most point, when the argument heated up, came the ridiculousness and astonishment.

The name I suggested, was that of the tagline which sounded like the ones that I read about in some book grabbed in the store. Simply put, it tagged that it wasn't another coffee point. Ignorant people quickly found the name attractive and asked me about the main header. Suggestion was to just acronym the tag line! Jealousy came in some, for the way the name came up and happiness among one of the outlet founders. Adding this to the list, we sailed to a nearby restaurant to dine.

I don't know why the name clicked but then the founders polled it to console themselves. And thus, the brand came up. And now, is getting expanded to four more outlets!

Was surprised how a small line can be a brand. I should have asked for renumeration. The creative consultant, you see!

