
Ahh. Of all the worldly peace that we seek into, this would surely come as a bliss. A close pal talks. And then chimes in the beauty of the psychic touch. The sheer meander fading away. And you enter a phase of happiness with an exoneration.

The simple conversations that lead into the sluggish day are aplenty. For the most, of not being any worth of. Some take away your time, some your peace and some give them back. And such moments would be re-winded. Always. Every time.

The chattering can be of any variety. In the form of talk, face or touch. That innate ability to take things into their stride. Of being comfortable to the person conversing with. Subsiding the feeling of having a companion.

Most of the talk would be worthless to speak about. It usually begins from who is paired up with which celebrity ending up with which all TV series to watch out for. The filmy kingdom is all the ones in between that remain. With some personal clutters. For another instance, it would be venting out his/her boss's constant pesters and for some, the chick/guy sitting in the last corner of the floor who is gorgeous. Or handsome. Or whatever.

After a petty fight over an electronic instrument, I broke up with my sister for some time. Which I regret myself. During the later days, it was just to converse formally with the "Hi, how are you?" syndromes. When loneliness and extreme supervisions sulk in, you tend to yearn for a partner to share yourself with. And that happened on a dark, rainy day. Amid a full stomach and eyes, partly closed.

A ping came in my messenger to "Come on Skype". All of a sudden. I followed the instructions blindly. And then I saw her. Her solitude. Evident on her face. With no one to talk to. And a constant work schedule on top. Making herself busy to forget everything around had made her down even more. And then she saw me. And then came in a glitter of smiles. Of the thought of regaining back. Her partner. Her friend. Her lone companion. Hesitant at first, then opening up to her real self. Of being shuddered. And then springing out of the lone darkness.

The rantings began. A five minute talk ended up in a 2 hour marathon. Content being unmentionable and unregistered. As we talk everything under the sun. Except for our lines of work. For them being the black holes of energy. For them being the point of taking a recess.

There was a special event that was also being shared. And a little pride permeated. For the intelligent observations found out. For gifting some special persons, with things unheard of.

Proud of my sister! For being the smarter kid of the two. And talkative of the two. Being the shoulder to smile on.

