1. A memory down the Lane....

    Sameer is into love with any girl he sees, Siddharth Sinha is busy with 2 professions, as a painter and a coolie and Akash is planning around some trips, party and Shalini. All three plan up for Goa and then have a blast ! Come back, they have a petty fight ...

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  2. Long Queue..

    Some private Bank in Bangalore.....

    9.00 AM..Thursday,10th Sep.2009....

    BOOM !!!

    2 tall Software engineers were dumb-founded to see a long queue of a kilometer outside the gates before it wasn't a sunrise for the bank ! Reason ? Some national level competition forms were out and these hopefuls ...

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  3. In the Midst of Twilight..

    Twilight.. Written by Stephanie Meyer. A novel about a silly, beautiful-as-in-a-novel type of a girl who falls in love with a vampire ! Now, that was quite very funny as it sounds ridiculous, even in imagination .. Gosh! Mind has really, no boundaries !

    The book quietly paces in the first half about ...

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  4. Read..

    Well, I started to read ! This sounds ominous but true... Not actually.. I was suggested by a friend to do it.. and the more interesting part is that..... I likin' it !

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