Airport Experience

Talking to a friend makes you feel lighter. Specially if you are holding onto something. The same thing happened on my way back home from Singapore that I got a friend to accompany with.

To deviate from the subject for sometime, the journey itself was an unexpected one. While sending off to a friend at the airport, he had a pre-booked ticket to Bangalore. Unable to go home due to his new job reporting in Sweden, he offered it. Totally taken aback with how destiny plays, I took sometime to decide. After seeing the work in hand and arriving at the conclusion that this could be managed, I grabbed the ticket. To my surprise, he took in the transfer charges into his stride and told me to pay the ticket fare only. So, you now know why my tryst with destiny appears.

Coming back to the friend's conversation, we then boarded the flight on the planned date. To describe my friend, she was working in Singapore and wanted to meet her parents before packing her bags to Sweden to accompany her husband, of whose ticket that was transferred to me. A simple, traditional but independent girl who can blast you off if it comes to a woman's freedom! A totally outright person with a noble heart for close friends, I wondered how her husband allowed me to go with her! The Indian husband mentality was not visible as she said he trusted her completely. Or I would say he trusted me, in fact. She had two heavy bags of luggage to be dumped in her house so that the Swedish journey would be lightened. As I had nothing but a simple travel bag, I thought of giving her, a helping hand. After an automated clearance and the luggage check-in, we then boarded the flight after a long wait at the terminal.

The fun and introspection started when the flight started. I came to know more about her and her family. A simple conversation can open up many thoughts. She then asked me about my own personal life, a highly closetted part. I didn't mind saying things which I myself hadn't analyzed before. And to my disbelief, she liked the way the conversation flew. From talking about her husband to the way how I landed in Singapore, it looked like a story when I finished it. Of course, I am not used to chattering, be it hearing too, this talk became more inquisitive as I came to know some facts that you learn by sharing.

Yes. Sharing helps. It eases your emotional hold up. And can make you look at yourself in a different prospective. Things I learnt was to open up experiences to friends, let them flow and listen to theirs. Things become more clear in front of you.

After a convinced mind and a short slumber, the flight landed in the cold Bangalore airport. Waving her off and then hiring a cab, I looked out of the window and was left amazed.

