A tinge of rhyme

To the heart, it sounded the same. To the mind, a wave it became. A churn of ice, mixed with fire. Passes through everyday, like a tinge of pyre.

Who knew that experience is a bird, who can wake up the sunrise and flows to cheer? Who knew that experience can be worthwhile, and sometimes just a tidal splash otherwise?

Who knew that a sprinkle of fun could just refresh those eyes and make them realize, the world is just a prize? Who can tell that the daily splurge of life, can be something you can cherish with some strife?

A body so exposed, it ceases to be transposed, to the simple things juxtaposed, with a complexity superimposed, of the secrets undisclosed and a pain unopposed.

To the mistakes decomposed with it's learning enclosed. A new chapter reimposed, off a hook slightly nosed, turns its way posed to give a new feel foreclosed.

PS: Beginning to hate Wordpress as it couldn't convert the above lines to poetic style.

