A Study never dreamt to be..

Singapore, was thought of as a country similar to the western world, as a provider of studies and opportunities. The latter part is yet to be experienced of, but the former part was a thing not to be forgotten either.

Studies are an integrated part of a student life. Much to it was of the thought of studying and getting to college accustoms. Agree that they cannot be deprived of their requirement, but owing to improper planning and a hurried decisive behaviour, it all turned haywire.

The university is very much demanding of its students, of the fact that of its vision to be Asia's numero uno centre for learning. Ignorant of this fact, the fact of "usual" easy-to-go student life style still hovered in my mind, unknown to the taxing of what was lying ahead of. Sincere respect to the flexibility of the course that it has to offer to, but improper planning has turned everything bizarre in my case.

To begin with, to the horror of my inexperience of the subjects to be chosen for my study, I shuffled between six to seven classes per week to "decide" on my electives to be chosen. Finally I chose four of them, checking their examinations which would be held in the fourth month of the semester, incidentally the last days of that semester ! And then, the maniac started..

Assignments, Mid-term examinations and quizzes. Not to forget a recess break in between, which cannot be held into account of its presence, owing to the heavy work load in front of us. Thinking that a subject taught along with a mini project in the sideways will prove to be better completely screwed my plans out in flat. I did a mistake of choosing three of such ones which I suffered heavily in the last few fortnights of the examination deadlines. Some outputs submitted are crazy, some are down the drain and some in between the right and the wrong expectations. But had to do this keeping in mind the buffer of the examination study and the projects consideration for overall assessment.

And then, the exams arrived. To the surprise, all the questions had to be attempted, a side unaware to us as we were led to choices all the times ! And the questions amounted to a maximum of four per subject which included the entire learning in them. Now thats what I call preparation. But all should end well when the results arrive. Lets hope for the best !

