A new thing. A new learn...

The First Drool. The first of friends. The first of enemies. The first of detachments. The first of attachments. A new thing. A new learn...

A new world. A new joy. A new space. A new lunchbox. A new thing. A new learn...

A new platform. A new tear. A new smile. A new cry. A new thrash. A new crash. A new sport. A new game. A new loss. A new win. A new thing. A new learn...

A new word. A new lesson. A new book. A new pen. A new eraser. A new bag. A new thing. A new learn...

A new score. A new teacher. A new class. A new bench. A new rhyme. A new story. A new sum. A new difference. A new exam. A new result. A new thing. A new learn...

A new playground. A new ball. A new trick. A new cheat. A new abuse. A new fight. A new support. A new team. A new feel. A new thing. A new learn...

A new memory. A new place. A new dusk. And a new dawn.

Old School Days. A new bliss.

