A bizarre Vacation...

Post is written in a busy Computer Centre in my university. Dont know how many cursings I might get to waste time here, but anyways as they say.... Whoever, whatever they say !

Here goes. The most amazing break I can ever get. Man, life should be slowed down a little to live as said by some senior advicer-cum-blogger around. I dont know it pays or not but surely helps yourself. No arbits anymore here.

Things were quite fast in a civilized world around: 4 subjects, 4 months, 15 assignments, 3 projects, 4 exams, confused syllabus, low esteem, no friends, no party, no nothings, no movies, recycled music, no iPod, no braggings, no likes, terribly maintained Facebook, clothes and health, 1 sem. My, My ! This would surely freak me out if I extended. Wanted to just run away from the bizarre virtual competition around and blessed with 3 full months of rocking time pass.

On a usual verge similar to others to utilize my time, which never happened though, I had applied for a summer internship in one of the leading organizations. Converted it, for no money in return of course, but never imagined it to be that tough on me. To read Books ! Well, somehow pushed the limits of going through and went back to start up a project and the lead-in-charge, ordered me to get ideas ! Stupid as it sounds, if you view from a topper's perspective as an excuse to run away building your resume, but I just walked out. On a serious note, it was the best thing I had done or was doing.

Why ? Because of the fun filled 2 months thereafter ! Whoa ! What a vacation it was. First a trip to the land of History. Next to the Windy plateus of my home state for a friend's marriage in a friend's car, recently bought at that time. Finally came the Green route Trek that was a roller coaster. Got some verbal threatenings from close ones as my freaking out was above their limits.

All the fire doused off then. I was just at home, savoring the rich food, meeting old friends and marriage ceremonies to attend, my list became full ! And when the call came to go back, I was nervous. For the first time !! Finally settled with all the dues, I hurriedly slopped into a pre-planned house to settle down. And now, the mad rush begins again.

Damn, time doesnt stop..

