2013: A year to stop by

Oh, what a year it has come to be. This year gave me everything I had wished for, apart from the fat pay-cheques to deposit in my bank account. From a streaming change of becoming an Android developer to quickly becoming a Python developer, Django guy, System Engineer, Database Administration and development in a start-up was a treat. Oh wait, did I say startup??

Start-ups were always the place I wanted to go. The energy, zero-documented process and rapid development on the fly were always exciting. The team spirit, extremely competitive arena and Friday Beers were icing on the cake. Yes, I'm yet to delve into front-end development and a little bit of embedded side, but that can wait.

I even started to blog more. This year was the biggest contribution to my blogosphere. There must've been too much of experiences and memories lined up. Of course, there are extremely boring sides of them, but nevertheless, I began to write again.

I started to empty the mind. Too much of notes were constantly swinging the brain all the time. I therefore, started to seriously write down. On paper. In Evernote. In books, In phone. Wherever there was an empty space and was mine. That's taken a toll on me as I've begun to confuse note-taking with priority basis. I get warning often. But I'm picking up.

I started to play. Yes, play! Badminton. Every week. Religiously. Sincerely. The team mates were quite impressed with the consistent improvement. Now, that's taken a back seat after I migrated back.

Did I say I migrated? India to Singapore and to India. No Swades feel though. The start-up culture was magnetic enough and I needed a job in hand to sustain a bit.

On a flip side, I slopped in reading. Compared to a mammoth twenty books in 2012, I dived to a mere six. Fortunately, I'm back to Bangalore and have crashed into some awesome book-lovers around. With Blossoms, Church Street and M G Road "second-hand" book stores (Er.. along with Flipkart), my 2014 is set for a good reading season.

The only thing I missed is my year-long planned trip on the Konkan railway route. Let it push to 2014.

Happy New Year fellows!

