1. You might be knowing some things wrong..

    Yesterday, I happened to pick up the pending remains of my SoundCloud podcasts and happen to crash into the very famous online Indian podcasting comedy, the All India Bakchod, essentially the Great Indian Bullshitting which almost everyone of us tend to do whenever we happen to have time to waste ...

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  2. There.. I fumbled again.

    Damn it. I did it again. I fumbled again at another interview. Yet one more goes down the drain. There are times when people's advises constantly nag your head, "Be strong with the basics!" and that crap. I made them prove they're true, yet another time.

    When will ...

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  3. Splendid Singapore

    Jan, 2011. When the feeling of staying away from home for the first time sunk in. Foreign land, foreign faces and a foreign culture. A foreign taste in desi food which makes the mind yearn back to the homeland, missing all the spicy food and sweet-meats. A restless mind, insane ...

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  4. Happyness.. in pursuit.

    The boy looks above. High up in the skies. Waiting for a chance. For an opportunity, to close in the failures he's finding it tough to fight with. The sky smiles on him. Lending a blink of hope amid the dark clouds of his ongoing agitations within. He wants ...

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